Trederra: Champions of the Circular Economy in Tire Recycling into Footwear Outsoles

Trederra: Champions of the Circular Economy in Tire Recycling

Tire waste is a global environmental concern. Discarded tires take up significant landfill space for decades, and improper disposal can leach harmful chemicals into the environment. However, innovative companies like Trederra are demonstrating how the circular economy model can be harnessed to turn the environmental impact of tire waste into a solution. Trederra recently announced an exclusive supply agreement with Tyre Recycling Solutions (TRS) of Switzerland, a leader in innovative recycling techniques, to support the production of Trederra footwear outsoles made from end-of-life tires. 

The 7Rs of the Circular Economy:

Reduce: While we cannot significantly reduce the number of tires produced, we can promote the reuse of tires for various applications, such as playground surfaces, athletic tracks, construction materials, and eco-friendly footwear components like outsoles.  

Reuse: Retreading is a common practice in the tire industry, where the tread is replaced on a used tire, extending its lifespan and reducing the need for new tires.  

Recycle: Used tires can be recycled into various products, including rubber crumb, which is used in playground surfaces, athletic tracks, and other applications. The steel and other materials within tires can also be recycled for use in other industries.  

Redesign: Tire manufacturers are increasingly focusing on designing tires with recyclability in mind, using materials that are easier to recover and reuse.  

Renew: Tire maintenance plays a crucial role in extending the lifespan of tires, reducing the need for premature replacement.  

Repair: Punctures and other minor tire damage can be repaired, avoiding the need for a complete replacement.

Recover: The materials within tires, such as rubber, steel, and carbon black, can be recovered and reused in various products, closing the loop of the circular economy.

Trederra’s Commitment to the 7Rs

Trederra specifically focuses on the Recycle and Redesign aspects of the 7Rs, aiming to create a sustainable future for footwear through recycled tire out soles.

Recycle: Trederra utilizes a unique water-jet system to break down used tires into a fine tire powder. This powder, derived from the higher grade rubber used in the tread portion, maintains high quality and consistency, unlike generic recycled rubber materials.  

Redesign: Trederra combines the recycled tire powder with traditional additives to create durable outsole sheets. These sheets are delivered to footwear manufacturers, enabling them to create sustainable footwear without compromising on performance.

This approach aligns perfectly with the circular economy model. Here’s how:

  • Reduces reliance on virgin materials: By using recycled tire powder, Trederra reduces the demand for virgin rubber, a resource derived from trees. Trederra also reduces the need for new synthetic rubber derived from fossil fuels that are used in many of today’s products.
  • Extends the lifespan of materials:
    Used tires are given a new life as high-quality outsole material.  
  • Creates a closed-loop system: Trederra contributes to closing the loop on tire waste by transforming it into valuable resources for new products.  

Additionally, Trederra promotes other aspects of the 7Rs:

  • Renew: Their durable outsoles contribute to longer-lasting footwear, reducing the need for frequent replacements.  
  • Recover: By utilizing recycled tire materials, Trederra effectively recovers valuable resources from end-of-life tires.  

Trederra’s innovative approach to tire waste demonstrates how businesses can contribute to a more sustainable future by embracing the principles of the circular economy.

By transforming discarded tires into high-quality footwear components, Trederra offers a win-win solution for the environment and the footwear industry.

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